Wednesday 17 February 2016

The Secrets of Body Language Attraction

The following are tried and tested tips around attracting women with your body language, behavior and actions.

The first tip is to 'Live in the Moment', rather than worrying about what everyone else thinks. Women love it when a guy can be confident and live in the moment. Pay attention to your state of mind the next time you see a person totally living in the moment and having a good time. 

Do you secretly wish you could spend time with them because they are alive and not holding back?

Women find such behavior very attractive because it shows you are a man with social confidence. It also communicates that you would live a more adventurous lifestyle than most people...even if you don't!

The next tip is to 'Have a Confident Voice Tone' and not be afraid to express yourself around other people. To understand if you are making a body language attraction mistake, stop and ask yourself these questions: 
* Do I sometimes lower my volume around more confident people?
* Do I sometimes end verbal statements in a way that makes it sound like I'm asking a question, or waiting for approval? 

Then ask yourself these empowering questions:
* How can I ensure that I project a confident volume around people, while not being overbearing?
* How can I make a verbal statement in a confident way, but not seem too arrogant?

The next piece of advice is to 'Pay Attention to the Words You Use'. Ask yourself the following questions:
* Am I often making excuses for myself or my shortcomings?
* Do I laugh too much just to fit into social interactions?

Then ask yourself these empowering questions:
* How can I be humble, but not demean myself in social situations?
* What will I do to ensure that I never laugh too much just to fit in?

The next piece of advice is to assess whether or not you are 'Leading or Following? High Status or Low Status?'

Until it becomes natural, you should ask yourself the following questions when involved in a social interaction:
* Am I leading or following in this interaction? 
* Who is taking cues from whom? 
* Should I be conveying equal or higher-status?

The next piece of advice is 'Don't Get Freaked Out When Women Don't Respond in an Ideal Way' Imagine walking up to a woman in a bar and attempting to have a conversation with her. After a minute or so, she looks at you and says:

"Sorry...I'm not interested okay? I have a boyfriend, can you please leave me alone and let me talk to my friends?" You have a few options:

1. Suddenly have the look of a man who has just been rejected!
2. Smile and say, "Sure, I can do's been cool talking to you...have a great night" then walk off as if you have just finished speaking to a friend. Do not have the look of a man who has just been rejected.

3. Become defensive and react by saying something like, "Well, I was just trying to talk to you! No need to get all bitchy about it...geez!"
4. Say something funny like, "Damn...girls hate me. Can you tell me why girls hate me so much?"

Obviously you'd want to exercise option 2 or 4. With Option 2:

1. You'll look like you know other people at the event/venue.
2. Other women will see you speaking with women.
3. You'll personally feel a whole lot better than you would if you felt rejected.

With Option 4:

1. You'll most likely get a laugh out of it.
2. The women may apologize.
3. It feels good to be playful in situations like that.

The next piece of advice is to 'Stop Defending and Explaining Yourself'. Be confident about who you are, what you want and the decisions you make for yourself. 

However, don't confuse this with being overly arrogant. You can still be a humble and personable guy, while also choosing not to defend or explain your choices, actions or behaviors.

You are a man, capable of thinking for himself and acting upon his thoughts. The reasons behind your actions are your reasons. You have no obligation to share them with anyone if you choose not to.

Alpha males don't explain themselves all the time. Alpha males always seem to get with the best women. Go figure.
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